September 17 & 18, 2016
project: the underrated act of talking to oneself
festival: fringe festival
client: femme. collective
event manager: loren mcfalls
choreographers: caitlin peck, candace eaton, ilana haas, jackie fetzer, jilly appleheimer, julia bryck, julia davis, julie marinucci, and keila cordova
performers: alyssia whalen, caitlin green, caitlin peck, camille gamble, candace eaton, devon lutz, ilana haas, jackie fetzer, jilly appleheimer, julia bryck, julia davis, julie marinucci, kezia barclay, loren mcFalls, mary-carmen webb, michelle megill, mynesha whyte, olivia naegele, stephanie rankin, and tori sexsmith
venue: the rotunda
photography: bill herbert
funding: n/a