Sometimes you need a break from the rat race that is Los Angeles. I feel truly lucky that I can escape to Malibu in less than an hour. I start a new gig tomorrow and wanted to clear my head. I took a drive out mid-morning to avoid the traffic. There is always a sense of calm that washes over me the moment I see the ocean in the distance. Upon arrival to the pier, I meandered down to the end to grab a coffee at Malibu Farm Cafe. I finished reading my book overlooking Surfrider beach while listening to two young women about to head back to university talk about impending career decisions and sipping on black coffee. It was an unseasonably warm day in January and I may have even gotten a bit sunburned. After finishing my coffee, I climbed down the stairs to sit under the pier and watch waves crash against the shore. A few small children played while a mother sat close by, and two couples took photos of each other. The tranquility of the scene in front of me completely cleared my head. It was the equivalent of a much-needed hard reset before embarking on my newest career venture. Until next time!